Updated on : 15 March 2024
1. I would like to send my degree certificate and official transcript to Canada for credential evaluation at World Education Services (WES).
WES does not require any original document; however, the colored copy of original documents is acceptable.
Please provide the following documents for this purpose.
1. WES Academic Records Request Form
2. Confirmation of Doctoral Degree Conferral (only for PhD applicant)
3. Academic Documents to be sent to WES (e.g., Degree Certificate, Academic Transcript)
2. According to the WES website, they have provided several options for electronic document submission, such as online platform and direct transmission channels. Therefore, is it possible for UTP to send my documents through an online platform?
Yes, WES has an established relationship with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. UTP has opted for fast and secure delivery of documents by using secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) arrangement covers both WES USA and WES Canada.
3. How to rename the PDF file?
Please name the document as 7digitWES ReferenceNumber-1.pdf.
(e.g. academic document with WES reference number 1234567 can be correctly named as 1234567-1.pdf)
If you have multiple PDFs, you need to distinguish the file names by adding a number to the file name.
(e.g. the documents for WES reference number 1234567 can be named as 1234567-1.pdf, 1234567-2.pdf etc.)
Important: The WES reference number is a 7-digit number provided to each WES Applicant.
4. How can I request for document submission to WES Canada?
Please log a case and attach all the required documents through UCS Portal. You may refer to the guideline provided as below:
Title : Document Submission to WES Canada
Subject : REG – Registration & Examination (REX)
Category : Verification
Type : Education Verification Request
5. How to attach more than multiple PDFs in UCS portal?
Please ensure the below before attaching the required supporting documents in the UCS.
- To attach all the supporting documents as a single file (i.e., to convert PDF into a single PDF file or use Zip File) OR
- Choose “SELECT ALL” files at once during the attachment process