
1. What is credit transfer?

There are two (2) types for credit transfer:
Credit transfer with grade
Credit transfer without grade (previously known as course exemption)


2. What are the categories for credit transfer without grade?

The credit transfer without grade is divided into two parts:
Horizontal involving the same degree of study (e.g. bachelor degree to another bachelor degree)
Vertical – different level of study (e.g. from diploma to bachelor degree)

Vertical credit transfer for Postgraduate programme:
- Bachelor’s Degree to Master’s Degree: students who has undertaken core courses of the master’s programme (only applicable for integrated programme
- Master’s Degree to Doctoral Degree: Only for exemption of Research Methodology

3. Who is eligible for credit transfer?
Credit Transfer with grade
- Students who have change programme within UTP (e.g. Computer Engineering to Computer Science)
- Students who undergo mobility programme at other universities
- Dual degree students
- 2u2i students
- Students who have change programme mode within UTP (e.g. Full Time to Full Time ODL) – Only for postgraduate

Credit Transfer without grade (vertical)
- Students who has completed Diploma and pursuing Bachelor at UTP

Credit Transfer without grade (horizontal)
- Students who has completed their study from other institutions & continue their study in UTP
- Have completed a program in UTP and wish to enrol in another program at UTP
- Qualify to apply through APEL (C) (e.g. MOOCs)

4. How much it cost for credit transfer?
It is not chargeable for the first-time application, however for the second application onwards it will be charged for RM100.

5. What is the minimum requirement for credit transfer?
A student must fulfill the following minimum requirements below:
  • Obtained a minimum grade of C / 60% or equivalent for the course in which credit transfer is applied for.
  • The credit transfer must be for the same credit as the course credits of the programme being transferred into.
  • The credit transfer must be based on subject or course mapping with at least 80% match in content and equivalent course outcomes.
  • The programme from which the course credits are transferred from are accredited or approved in the country of origin.

6. I have applied for credit transfer for one course and currently pending approval. Should I register for the course during online enrolment?
Students who request for credit transfer must not register for the equivalent course in UTP.

7. Is the credit transfer for general studies subject (MPU) course allowed?
For MPU courses, only horizontal credit transfer is allowed. Vertical credit transfer is not allowed.

8. Can I transfer credits for open elective course?
For open elective courses, subject-to-subject mapping is not required, however the course must be at similar level, and applicant must obtain a minimum grade C or equivalent.

9. What is the maximum credit that is allowed with credit?
The maximum allowable credit transfer with grade are as follows:

For Engineering program, or program accredited by EAC:
Credit Transfer between accredited / recognised programmes of same level, i.e. from Bachelor to Bachelor degree -maximum Credit Transfer of 50% of the total programme credits is allowed

For Non-engineering program, or program accredited by MQA:
Students who change program within the same university – no limit on horizontal credit transfer.
Students who join the program from other university (and have not completed their study at other university) – maximum 70% credit transfer of the receiving program at UTP to fulfil the minimum Academic Residential Requirement

10. How to apply for credit transfer?
The students can request through UCampus. Click at ‘My Details/Studies’ tab, go to ‘Student Requisition’ tab and click ‘Student Requisition 1’ section. Please refer to the guidelines

11. Who is the approver for my credit transfer application (Foundation)?
The approvers are:
• First Approver: CFS Dean
• Final Approval by Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic (DVCA)

12. Who is the approver for my credit transfer application (Undergraduate)?
The approvers are:
• First Approver: Department Chair
• Final Approval by Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic (DVCA)

13. Who is the approver for my credit transfer application (Postgraduate)?
The approvers are:
• First Approver: Department Chair
• Second Approver: CGS Dean
• Final Approval by Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic (DVCA)

14. When is the deadline to apply for credit transfer?
Credit transfer applications must be made on first week first of the semester. The students are required to apply no later than the second week of the semester to ensure a smooth credit transfer process.

15. If my application for credit transfer is approved, how will my CGPA be calculated?
Credit transfer without grade is calculated in the graduating credits, but the course grade will not be included in the calculation of students' GPA and CGPA. Meanwhile, credit transfer with grade will be included in the CGPA and GPA calculation.

16. Will I receive any official document confirming the approval of my credit transfer application?
Once the application is approved, students will be notified through email.

17. How many total credits without grade can be transfer?
Students are entitled for a maximum transferrable credit of 30% of the total programme’s credit.

18. If I just finished my diploma in the same course that I am taking in my undergraduate, what is the maximum credit transfer that I can apply for?
The maximum credit transfer that students can apply for is 1 year.

19. If I just finished foundation and matriculation from another university, Can I apply for credit transfer?
Students from foundation and matriculation qualification are not allowed to credit transfer. Only Diploma holders can perform credit transfer.

20. If my application for credit transfer is approved, how many semesters that I can reduced?
The maximum credit transfer for Bachelor is 3 semesters.

21. If I am from Electrical engineering diploma and I pursue to continue different course in UTP, can I apply credit transfer?
Yes. Students may apply for credit transfer for any subjects that are related to previous studies. For instance, during diploma in Electrical engineering took Engineering Mathematics could be credit transfer if Bachelor also has same subject such previous studies.

22. If my subject in diploma is same in undergraduate but I didn't get a credit transfer, why did it happen?
Plenty of reasons could be addressed to this problem:
  • Not achieving minimum grade of C for the subject.
  • Credit hours are not equivalent to the current university programme.
  • Syllabus similarity which less than 80%.
  • Courses are not accredited by Malaysia Qualifications Agency (MQA).

23. I have submitted an application for credit transfer via Ucampus. May I know what is my current status of my credit transfer application?
Kindly refer here for the submission request status as follows:
SubmittedRequest is currently pending action from REGISTRY
VerificationRequest is currently pending action from Academic Department – Programme Leader
EndorsementRequest is currently pending action from Academic Department – Department Chair
ApprovalRequest is currently pending action from Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic
ApprovedRequest is currently pending action from Registry
CompletedRequest has been completed, please view your Request Course in My Studies section
RejectedRequest has been rejected, the details has been sent to your email