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LMD - Analytical & Testing Services
LMD - Analytical & Testing Services
Can I pay by cash?
Do CAL offer sample preparation?
Do CAL provide consultation?
Do CAL provide interpretation class?
Do I need to include a purchase order with my samples?
Do you collect samples?
How do I contact CMM Office?
How do we get the service requisition and billing forms?
How do we know if we manage to get the booking slot?
How do we submit our samples for testing?
How long is the duration per testing?
How many samples allowed for each request?
How much does analysis cost?
How much sample do I need to send?
How should the students collect the testing result?
How to booked the testing facilities?
How to contact CAL?
I don’t have the cost-centre for this project, can I pay this job using cash?
I would like to access testing facilities of other center. How do I get the access and what would be the process flow?
I would like to request for external service. How do I start and what would be the process flow?
Is there any sample container requirement for sample send to CAL?
Is your laboratory accredited?
May I change/swap my slot in CAL lab?
What are served under 3D printing?
What are services offered under Chromatography Lab?
What are services offered under Elemental Lab?
What are services offered under Flow Assurance Lab?
What are services offered under Mechanical & Physical Lab?
What are services offered under Microscopy Lab?
What are services offered under Spectroscopy Lab?
What are services offered under Thermal Lab?
What are the procedure for the application of EPIC services?
What is CAL typical service or turn-around time?
What is Centralized Analytical Laboratory (CAL)?
What is the cost for each testing at CAL?
What is the maximum number of sample can be send and tested at CAL?
What is the procedure for the payment?
What is the sample quantity needed for each testing?
What is the size of sample required for the testing?
What type of sample that can be tested?
What type of services that CAL provided?
What will happen if I did not turn up for the testing slot without prior notice?
When is the booking day?
Where is CAL located?
Where is Centralized Material Management (CMM) Office?
Who is the focal person for the equipment booking?
Why all the testing need to be charged?
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